EFFICIENCY OF BIOLOGICAL PROTECTION IN NURSERY PRODUCTION Miroslava Markovic Snezana Stajic Nenad Markovic Sabahudin Hadrovic Abstract: Chemicals are ubiquitous in our bodies and our global environment. One of the most compelling areas of potential innovation for sustainability is green chemistry. We studied the impact of alternative measures of protection on the occurrence of mass dieback in oak seedlings and forests in Central Serbia (caused by Microsphaera alphitoides) by applying various dosages of AQ-10 biofungicide. Examinations were conducted using standard OEPP methods PP1/69 (2) (1997). Its application will lead to the use and generation of inherently safer chemicals, the reduction of the risk of exposure to toxic chemicals, and the increasing availability of safer and healthier products. The best results in the suppression of oak powdery mildew were obtained by using sulphur SC in the concentration of 0.5%. Very satisfactory results were obtained when AQ-10 biofungicide was used in the highest dosage of application (70g/ha). The number of treatments was proven to have no significant impact on the increased efficiency of the biopreparation. In other words, it showed that besides the application dosage, the high efficiency of the biopreparation depends primarily on the proper timing of the application.
Ključne reči: Efficiency, AQ-10, Powdery Mildew, Oak |
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