THE AGE OF ECOLOGY AND FORESTRY – CHALLENGES AND THREATS Izvod:Apart from being a natural resource, the environment can be a limiting factor for a number of economic and social processes. It is not disputed that certain damage cannot be avoided and some environmental degradation can be tolerated. However, it is necessary to determine the breakpoint in the exploitation of the natural heritage of the Planet. Forestry is finding its place in the world of science and other important human activities. Environmental ethics has become an intrinsic part of the forest research in this century. Having recognized negative consequences of the former mono-functional, industrial forestry, which largely overlooked the integrity of forest ecosystems, the principles of integrated, multi-functional forestry have been established. The indisputable interdependence and coherence of all forest benefits prove that only professionally managed forests can provide multiple-use forest benefits. Today’s forestry faces complex tasks created by modern developed societies. Forestry, i.e. forest resources, is expected to meet the requirements at three different levels: biosphere, bio-ecology and socio-economy. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to put in a great deal of effort to harmonize natural mechanisms and human activities, without overlooking environmental and social responsibilities of modern civilization.
Ključne riječi:the environment, forestry, forest benefits |
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